Jobenomics Counterterrorism Strategy

Jobenomics Counterterrorism Strategy

By: Chuck Vollmer

[email protected]

27 Dec 2015

Download a copy of this 75 page presentation:  Islam, Ummah, Islamists and Irhabi 27 December 2015, at Islam, Ummah, Islamists and Irhabi 27 December 2015

Engaging Islam Ummah Islamism, Irhabi

While Jobenomics is an American business and job creation initiative, it has gained a large following around the world. MidEast countries are interested in Jobenomics from both a wealth creation perspective and response to economic discontent voiced by the Arab Spring.   Jobenomics Counterterrorism Strategy includes a balance of cultural, diplomatic and military engagement.   Cultural engagement has been the missing element of Western statecraft in dealing with the Ummah, Islamism and Muslim-led terrorism.  The following sections of this presentation are offered to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the key elements of cultural engagement: (1) Islam: The Religion, (2) Ummah: The Worldwide Muslim Community, (3) Islamism: The Political Ideology, and (4) Irhabi: The Terrorists.

Today, the U.S. State Department has a list of 157 terrorist groups. 47 groups are Muslim-led (80%) and 12 non-Muslim-led (29%).  The vast amount of Muslim terrorist groups are by Sunni ersatz (artificial substitute) armies to fill the security void for helpless and impoverished Sunnis subjected to oppressive regimes and encirclement by hostile Shia forces.   To defeat the Sunni-led terrorists, the West must rely to a much greater extent on the leading and resource rich Sunni-majority nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which heretofore have taken minimalist roles in out-of-area counterterrorism operations.

From the dreadful day in September 2001 to 2010, Muslim-led terrorist groups averaged 11.7 attacks per year.  From 2010 through 2013, attacks increased to 17 attacks per year.  2014 registered 35 attacks.  2015 is the worst year ever with an incredible 106 terrorist attacks across the entire planet.  From 9/11 to 2010, 36% of all attacks were against Israel.  From 2010 through 2015, 97% of all attacks were outside of Israel with the majority (77%) on Muslim civilians in Africa, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan.  As evidenced recent events in Boston, Paris and San Bernardino, terrorists are moving West.  Even if ISIS is eliminated, these attacks are likely to continue to metastasize until leading Muslim nations take a greater role in eradicating irhabi from the Ummah.

The cultural/religious/economic/political center of the Ummah resides in the Arab Gulf region’s six GCC countries that are primarily focused on self-defense.  If the GCC remains inwardly focused, Sunni militant groups will continue to proliferate and the Shia Crescent will continue to expand and envelop the region.  The ideal starting point for out-of-area GCC operations is in Syria to contain ISIS, help displaced citizens rebuild their lives, and reverse the flow refugees that are overwhelming neighboring countries and putting the entire region at risk.

It incumbent for the West to engage the GCC nations as equal partners in counterterrorism. However, this is a global challenge. Institutions, like the United Nations, should build a coalition between leading Muslim-majority nations and the international community to eliminate the plague of terrorism before it destabilizes the world.



Jobenomics Syria Cantonment Concept

Jobenomics Syria Cantonment Concept

By: Chuck Vollmer

3 December 2015 

Download a free copy of this report and a companion white paper entitled, Strategy for Eliminating ISIS and other Islamic-Extremist Threats, at Jobenomics Syria Cantonment Concept and Strategy for Eliminating ISIS and other Islamic-Extremist Threats.

Cantonment Zones


Executive Summary The Syrian crisis presents three separate challenges to the international community: (1) dealing with the Russian-backed Assad regime that appears to be willing to escalate an internal civilian war to a regional conflict, (2) destroying the world’s largest and best financed terrorist organization that has global reach via modern network technology, and (3) resolving the blight of 7.6 million displaced Syrians, repatriating 4.3 million registered refugees, and reducing the  pipeline of millions of emigres who are overwhelming neighboring countries and many parts of Europe.

The Jobenomics Cantonment Concept focuses on the third challenge (3) by providing security and economic development opportunities for victims of the Syrian conflict.  The victimized include impoverished civilians, displaced persons and refugees.  The primary goal of cantoning is to rehabilitate and assist the afflicted to resume productive lives.

The Bosnian War

A canton is an administrative subdivision of a country.  Cantons exist in Europe, Latin America and Asia.  Formation of modern-day cantons originated in NATO’s Cantonment Phase during the Bosnian War.  Ten cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina now provide autonomy and opportunity for Bosniaks and Croats once victimized by war.  In 1993, the U.N. Protection Force (UNPROFOR) was instituted in Bosnia and Herzegovina to provide badly needed aid, protect humanitarian relief convoys and implement safe havens and weapon exclusion zones.  In 1995, UNPROFOR forces were reflagged to NATO that assumed command, commenced military operations and instituted cantonments.  Now is the time, prior to the end of Syrian hostilities, to implement a Syrian cantonment strategy similar to the one accomplished by NATO in Bosnia.

Jobenomics Cantonment Business Generator Concept

Jobenomics asserts that the best way to repair the devastation in Syria involves implementing a cantonment business generator concept to systematically incubate and mass-produce small businesses that will employ millions of net new Syrian workers who are dedicated to restoring productive human endeavor, reunifying families, rehabilitating combatants and reconstructing sustainable Syrian communities.  Without an actionable and measurable economic development strategy, international intervention efforts will eventually fail—leaving a vacuum that is likely to be filled with anti-social ideologies and crime.  This is the lesson of the Arab Spring, the progenitor of the Syrian and a dozen other conflicts.  Syrian cantons would increase regional stability by reducing the refugee burden on host countries and reducing violence and disorder perpetrated by extremist groups or ideologies.  Cantoning will also serve to isolate and contain the brutal Assad regime and tyrannical so-called Islamic State.

About the Author: Mr. Vollmer specializes in emerging international, national and business initiatives.  Under contract to the US government, he assisted Arab leaders to develop strategies and operational concepts for coalition-building on terrorism.  In this capacity, he developed several hundred US/Arab strategy and policy documents and led a dozen symposia in the Middle East attended by officials in the Arab Gulf, Egypt, Jordan, Europe and the US.  He frequently lectures on the MidEast, Islam and Arabs on the subject of military, economic, cultural and religious engagement.  Mr. Vollmer is also the author of Jobenomics (the book, website and blog), the founder of the Jobenomics National Grassroots movement dedicated to creating 20 million net new American jobs within the next decade, and the leader of a number of Jobenomics global business and job creation initiatives and programs that could greatly help middle-class and financially distressed citizens in the United States as well as countries like Syria.