
Goal: Creating 20 Million Jobs By 2020

Jobenomics - Goal: Creating 20 Million Jobs By 2020

Jobenomics Institute

The Jobenomics Institute is an initiative to establish American business incubators and business generators that will enable the creation of millions of new small, emerging and self-employed businesses.  Business incubators are designed to “incubate” individual entrepreneurial-based businesses from a host of possible opportunities.  Business generators are designed to “mass produce” businesses in high growth industry sectors.  The Jobenomics team is currently negotiating with several locations for the Jobenomics Institute that could host the following functions:

Jobenomics Center for Industrial Development (JCID) is a business training center and industrial incubator dedicated to foreign industrial development in the United States with emphasis on Asian economies, like China.  JCID’s main functions include a Foreign Executive Program and The College Preparatory School & Admissions Program for the children of foreign executives.

  • Foreign Executive Program focuses on foreign professionals who are interested in starting businesses in the United States.  The program will feature a School of Entrepreneurialism, motivational speakers from CEO and entrepreneurial communities, and meetings with business owners.  By the end of the program, the graduate will have all the skills, certifications/registrations/licenses, business systems to start a business in the United States.
  • The College Preparatory School & Admissions Program will help the children of foreign executives to prepare, visit and apply for entry into major US undergraduate programs.    Thousands of students come annually to US colleges and universities.  The College Preparatory School & Admissions Program will provide instruction on the English language and idioms, American culture, and the US higher educational landscape.  The program will include visits to leading US universities as well as assistance for college admission.
  • EB-5 Foreign Investor Program.  The Bureau of US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) administers the EB-5 Investor Program, created by Congress to stimulate the US economy through job creation and capital investment by foreign investors. Foreign Executive and College Preparatory School Program graduates are likely to want permanent visas to conduct business or attend colleges in the US.  The Jobenomics team has worked with numerous EB-5 Regional Centers throughout the US and will create an EB-5 program for the Jobenomics Institute.

Jobenomics Veterans Center is designed to help wounded and combat veterans transition to the civilian workforce by providing training and access to financing to start their own Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB) or Veterans Owned Businesses (VOB) oriented to the skills that the vet learned during his/her tenure in the US Armed Services.

CEO Space.  Jobenomics is a strategic partner with CEO Space International which is a business incubator with a thirty-year legacy of training business owners, executives and entrepreneurs in over 140 countries.  CEO Space forums are held five times per year with ten-day programs ranging from 250 to 1000 people per forum.  CEO Space Forums are streamlined, professionally hosted events. Teams of professional trainers are invested in preparing each class to offer expert advice over a wide spectrum of entrepreneurial topics.

SynerVision Leadership Foundation. In a format of a nonprofit leadership excellence summit, the foundation provides cream-of-the-crop corporate trainers who teach tax-exempt organizations and NGOs the business skills they need to utilize the funds their sponsors and donors gift to them in the most cost-effective productive ways possible. This expertise is provided through world-class summits supplemented by scalable programs for individual tax-exempts that need customized value-added resources beyond what the training conferences provide.

Other Programs.  Jobenomics is currently exploring other business generator/incubator programs including local entrepreneur programs, Jobenomics boot camps, One World Expo, Direct-Sales Institute, Forum for CEOs, and Women-Owned Business Training.

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